Topical Lessons
Everything the teacher needs to teach 6-11 year olds.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.

Discovering Jesus
This series replaces the Knowing Christ series which covers the I AM’s of Jesus: The Good Shepherd, The Light of the World, the Bread of Life, The Way, Truth and the Life, the Resurrection and the Life.
5 lessons

God Speaks to Me
This foundational series contains teaching on how God speaks to His people. Through these lessons children see how God speaks to them today and encourages them to respond to His Word
6 lessons

Living God's Way
This 12-lesson series uses key verses and biblical examples to help children change wrong attitudes into self-control, faith, generosity, humility, thankfulness, patience, joy, hope, diligence, trust, contentment and forgiveness.
12 lessons

Turned Around
These lessons show lives that were turned around by the Lord. He can change our lives also.
5 lessons

God Cares When Children Are Sad
This series of five lessons teaches children about God’s love and care for them, especially as they face difficult situations in their lives. Based on the Bible characters: Jephthah, Ruth, Samuel, Peter and Matthew. 5 full coloured lessons; 30 pictures, spiral bound flashcard book, 24 x 34cm.
5 lessons

Jesus My Saviour and Friend
Children learn to let God use them to meet a friend’s need, count on God’s peace in any situation, witness to their friends, trust God’s power and show God’s love to others.
5 lessons

One Way
This series shows how Jesus is the Only Way to be able to come to God the Father.
5 lessons

Wordless Book – God’s Good News
This series clearly presents the Gospel in a simple way. Text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more - everything teachers need to teach 6-11 year olds.
6 lessons